By Dr. Brown
Most children will go through periods of "dysfluency" or stuttering as they learn to speak. The most common time to hear stuttering is between 2 and 5 years of age. Usually, your child will go through periods where he or she may stutter alternating with periods of no stuttering. These periods will come and go.
Reasons for concern are if the stuttering has been fairly consistent for 6 months, your child seems to be "bothered" by the stuttering, he or she has some physical "twitch" with stutttering, or it occurs outside the normal range of age that we'd expect to see it occur.
The website listed below, sponsored by "The Stuttering Foundation" is a really terrific site. Here you can find all sorts of information about stuttering, including what to look out for, how to help your child, and referral sources. Go to the home page and look on the left margin for facts on stuttering and further down you can find referrals.
Did you know that Tiger Woods, Winston Churchill, and James Earl Jones used to stutter?!
Most children will go through periods of "dysfluency" or stuttering as they learn to speak. The most common time to hear stuttering is between 2 and 5 years of age. Usually, your child will go through periods where he or she may stutter alternating with periods of no stuttering. These periods will come and go.
Reasons for concern are if the stuttering has been fairly consistent for 6 months, your child seems to be "bothered" by the stuttering, he or she has some physical "twitch" with stutttering, or it occurs outside the normal range of age that we'd expect to see it occur.
The website listed below, sponsored by "The Stuttering Foundation" is a really terrific site. Here you can find all sorts of information about stuttering, including what to look out for, how to help your child, and referral sources. Go to the home page and look on the left margin for facts on stuttering and further down you can find referrals.
Did you know that Tiger Woods, Winston Churchill, and James Earl Jones used to stutter?!