Iron Fortified Breakfast Cereals
This is a list of the cereals that have at least 80% of the RDA (Recommended Daily Amount) of iron. They can be used with milk or dry as snacks. If used twice daily, this and a multivitamin will speed your child’s recovery from iron deficiency.
Cereals / US RDA for Iron
Multi Vitamins
Iron is absorbed best with a little Vitamin C. Orange juice or other Vitamin C fortified juices to chase down the multi vitamin with iron makes sense. Milk (really the Calcium in the milk) may interfere with the absorption of iron when used with Multivitamins with Iron. Therefore, we prefer not giving milk at the same time with Vitamins that have Iron.
Updated Daily Vitamin D and Calcium intake RDAs:
Age Calcium Vitamin D
0-6m 200mg 400 IU
6-12m 260mg 400 IU
1-3y 700mg 600 IU
4-8y 1000mg 600 IU
9-18y 1300mg 600 IU
Infant Poly-Vi-Sol with Iron Drops have 400 IU Vitamin D in 1ml
Flintstones Complete has 600IU Vitamin D/tab
1 cup milk (any kind) has about 100 IU VitaminD
Cereals / US RDA for Iron
- Total 100%
- Total Raisin Bran 100%
- Total Honey Clusters 100%
- Total Strawberries 100%
- Jewel Frosted Shredded Wheat 90%
- Jewel Essential Everyday Bran Flakes 100%
- Jewel Essential Everyday Nutty Nuggets 100 %
- Kellogg’s Complete 100%
- Kellogg’s All Bran Complete 100%
- Kellogg’s Frosted Mini-Wheats 90%
- Kellogg’s Frosted Mini-Wheats cinnamon roll 90%
- Kellogg’s Product 19 100%
- Kellogg’s Smart 100%
- Crunchy Wheat and Barley 90%
- Post Grape Nuts 90%
- Post Banana Nut Crunch 90%
- Post Honey Bunches of Oats 90%
- Post Nut Crunch 90%
- Safeway Multi Grain O’s 100%
- Safeway Bran Flakes 100%
- Quaker Oat Bran 90%
- Quaker Oatmeal Squares 90%
- Wheat Chex 80%
Multi Vitamins
- Flintstones with Iron (15 mg iron). One daily by mouth.
- Flintstones Complete (18 mg iron), One A Day Kids, Scooby Doo or Bugs Bunny. One daily by mouth.
- Poly-vi-Sol with Iron (10 mg iron/dropper=1 ml). One dropper by mouth daily.
- Fer-in-Sol Infant drops (15 mg per 1 ml). Give _____ droppers (1.0ml) ______ times a day for _____ month(s).
Iron is absorbed best with a little Vitamin C. Orange juice or other Vitamin C fortified juices to chase down the multi vitamin with iron makes sense. Milk (really the Calcium in the milk) may interfere with the absorption of iron when used with Multivitamins with Iron. Therefore, we prefer not giving milk at the same time with Vitamins that have Iron.
Updated Daily Vitamin D and Calcium intake RDAs:
Age Calcium Vitamin D
0-6m 200mg 400 IU
6-12m 260mg 400 IU
1-3y 700mg 600 IU
4-8y 1000mg 600 IU
9-18y 1300mg 600 IU
Infant Poly-Vi-Sol with Iron Drops have 400 IU Vitamin D in 1ml
Flintstones Complete has 600IU Vitamin D/tab
1 cup milk (any kind) has about 100 IU VitaminD