Handwashing vs. Hand Sanitizers
By Dr. Brown
Over the last few years our country has changed views and practices on how to keep germs at bay. Many have become "obsessed" with cleanliness. As it turns out, a little bit of exposure to germs can help boost a child's immune system, and maybe prevent allergies - the so-called "hygiene hypothesis". Obviously, cleanliness and prudence are good, but we generally don't have to go overboard.
First, how does hand sanitizer work? Generally, sanitizers are gels that have 62% ethyl alcohol. The alcohol is very effective in killing bacterial germs. However, they do a pretty poor job on most common viruses. The vast majority of germs that will affect your family and children in particular are viruses.
The reality is that soap and water remain the best hygiene for prevention and spreading of germs in your home, office, schools, etc. Antibacterial soap is perhaps a bit better than regular soap. Soap and water also gets rid of dirt; the gel sanitizers do very little to remove dirt.
Our suggestion to remain healthy this year from germs is washing hands with soap and water before eating or snacking. The gels are for when you do not have access to soap and water.
Over the last few years our country has changed views and practices on how to keep germs at bay. Many have become "obsessed" with cleanliness. As it turns out, a little bit of exposure to germs can help boost a child's immune system, and maybe prevent allergies - the so-called "hygiene hypothesis". Obviously, cleanliness and prudence are good, but we generally don't have to go overboard.
First, how does hand sanitizer work? Generally, sanitizers are gels that have 62% ethyl alcohol. The alcohol is very effective in killing bacterial germs. However, they do a pretty poor job on most common viruses. The vast majority of germs that will affect your family and children in particular are viruses.
The reality is that soap and water remain the best hygiene for prevention and spreading of germs in your home, office, schools, etc. Antibacterial soap is perhaps a bit better than regular soap. Soap and water also gets rid of dirt; the gel sanitizers do very little to remove dirt.
Our suggestion to remain healthy this year from germs is washing hands with soap and water before eating or snacking. The gels are for when you do not have access to soap and water.