If you have a 911 emergency, call 911 first
and call us next.
For other emergency calls, call our office
312/280-1480. When we leave the office,
we call forward the same number to an
answering service; they will page us. If you've
attempted to reach us and you haven't heard
back in what you think is an appropriate
amount of time, call back.
When you call us, be prepared to tell us your
Have a pharmacy number ready just in case (we will need a date of birth to call in prescriptions). You may want to jot this information down before you call.
You can also check our website for further info on common illnesses, etc. You can use the toolbar to the left or use our "search bar" above,
For Tylenol, Motrin, and other non- prescription medication doses, please refer to the "Dosing Chart" located on the tool bar to the left.
- name
- age
- symptoms
- approximate weight
- any medications he or she is on
- any pertinent medical history
Have a pharmacy number ready just in case (we will need a date of birth to call in prescriptions). You may want to jot this information down before you call.
You can also check our website for further info on common illnesses, etc. You can use the toolbar to the left or use our "search bar" above,
For Tylenol, Motrin, and other non- prescription medication doses, please refer to the "Dosing Chart" located on the tool bar to the left.